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The process of getting a divorce can range from very simple to extremely complex, depending on the complexity of the issues involved.  If you are at a point in your life that you want to try to achieve a win win situation so that you can move forward with your life, that is the best option if your spouse is on board.  However, if emotional or financial ties are driving you forward, you will begin the complex process of court hearings and discovery, all of which we can help with.  Call today for your free consultation.

Distanced Couple

The decision to divorce is not easy, no matter what the circumstance, because you are going to upset the apple cart and throw lives, including your own, out of balance.  There are many factors to take into consideration, including real and personal property; financial support; debt; housing; retirement; etc.  It is always a good idea to think about and plan for the consequences as early as possible so that you are not facing insurmountable challenges when the time comes.  Divorces can range from simple, no fault divorces with no court appearances, to drawn out legal battles that often take several months to a year to resolve.  Healthy, honest, and positive communication is always the key, whether it is with your spouse, attorney, or children.  Knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it, are also very important skills that your attorney can help you with. 

Once you decide to file for divorce, or if you have been served with divorce papers, there are multiple steps that have to be taken with your attorney before your process is complete.  ​ These include:​

  • Gathering the facts

  • Goal setting

  • Filing papers with the Court

  • Regularly corresponding with your spouse and/or the opposing attorney

  • Preparing for and attending any scheduled court appearances necessary to advance your case

  • Organizing and presenting documents requested by the judge

  • Securing witness testimony

  • Preparing you, your witnesses, and your evidence for a trial  


Divorce Settlements

Courtroom dramas as seen on TV are rare, as most of the work in obtaining a divorce occurs between attorneys and behind the scenes.  The judge only conducts a divorce trial after settlement conferences are conducted and all efforts to negotiate have been exhausted. It is important to make sure that your divorce attorney fully understands your intentions from the outset regarding the items of property you want to keep, and your financial needs going forward.

In the event the parties agree to resolve all issues, settlement documents are presented to the judge and a Final Judgment of Divorce is signed, without the exorbitant expense of a full-blown trial. 

We offer unbundled legal fee packages to help you achieve your goals in the most cost-effective way possible.  In some circumstances, court appearances are not even required when the parties are willing to consent to all issues and sign  affidavits.

Although settlements are ideal, they are not always possible when emotions are running high and there are significant financial interests at stake.  It is helpful to have a divorce attorney who is both open and adept at an amicable resolution, but also not afraid or too busy to present your case to the judge in a trial.

If you are uncertain if now is the best time for a divorce, you are ready to take the first steps in getting a divorce,, or you have been served with divorce papers, call us at 228-205-4467 and we can help you to take the first step to making a fresh start.

When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn't a sign that they don't understand one another, but a sign that they have, at least, begun to. Helen Bowland

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Don’t stress about your divorce or custody case.

Call Susan: 

(228) 574-6201


Offering competent and compassionate family law services along the Mississippi Gulf Coast

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